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The World's First Retractable Fin

Transform Your Dive

The Phibian Fin is the most versatile fin available to divers. Expand or retract the fin blades and instantly transform from swimming to walking and back again.

An expandable scuba dive fin.

The blades expand 12.5 inches from the toe to create a full size scuba fin. The innovative design allows for on the fly adjustability to accommodate changing water conditions, such as riptides and currents.  The overall fin length extended is 28.5 inches.

Retracts to almost 50% of its extended state for walking across easy to moderate terrain or ascending ladders. This feature also helps utilize space in dive bags, on dive boats and packing for travel. The overall fin length retracted is 17 inches.

An expandable scuba dive fin.
An expandable scuba dive fin.

The foot pocket design requires the operator to customize the fins to fit their foot. Custom fit fins provide improved performance and comfort. The current design is customizable to fit men's size 7-14.

The adjustable camlock allows the blades to be locked to a desired length or position allowing the operator to increase or decrease propulsion dynamics on the fly. The blades fully retract under the footplate, allowing the operator to walk or climb, in and out of any dive location with ease.

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